be more
Helping every child BE MORE everyday!
The Be More Program is a mix of everything a child needs to learn to be a productive member of society. We mix physical activity with life skills that every child should know. We also place an emphasis on exposing them to possible career paths which lead to self sufficiency and success.
In the pictures on this page you will see children actively engaged in outdoor stretching and organized indoor physical drills that will increase endurance and strength. While these pictures are from one Saturday in April, we organize and execute similar events with extensive planning and attention to detail, EVERY WEEK!
We take time to educate children on the importance on knowing what type of food they’re putting into their bodies. In the pictures you will see children engaged in a class about understanding how to read nutrition facts on food packaging and what role that prepackaged food plays in a balanced diet.
G3 Life Applications doesn’t just talk about health eating, we’re teaching children how to prepare healthy food with the help of an executive chef that has prepared meals for some of the most recognizable names in sports, like Michael Jordan. In the event pictured on this page he spoke with them about the difference between fruits and vegetables, the value of a well balanced diet, the role that temperature plays in preparing meat, kitchen safety and many other important aspects of food preparation.
We’re fortunate enough to have a nurse practitioner to educate children on healthy blood pressure levels, proper reflexes, vision and other nursing related health test. She also instructed them on the proper way to conduct these test in an effort for them to understand what proper health looks like and expose them to the profession of nursing and its impact on society.